Terms of Service

We kindly ask our customers to carefully read these Terms of Service and be aware that when you make a booking with us, you are automatically accepting these terms. The Cat Hotel and Cattery (hereafter referred to as The Cat Hotel) contracts with each of our customers on the following terms and conditions:

Online Registration

Please register on our website at www.thecathotel.co.za before a booking can be requested. Registering creates an online profile with an easy-to-use dashboard that stores the key information we need. 

Information Required: We require your contact details (name, mobile and e-mail address), the contact details for a local emergency contact, the contact details for your vet and information about your cat/s. We need this information to offer the best care for your cat/s.


Bookings should be requested online, but we understand that this is not always possible and can send you a booking form for you to print, complete and sign. Take a photo or scan the form and send it back to us on admin@thecathotel.co.za. We will then capture this information and create your online profile for you.

Please be aware that a booking via our online booking system is only a request for accommodation and acceptance by The Cat Hotel will be advised by e-mail as soon as possible after receiving the request. Acceptance is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of The Cat Hotel.

All bookings must be for a minimum period of 3 nights. Our booking system will not allow bookings for less than 3 nights.

Your booking will be confirmed after receipt of a deposit of 50% (fifty percent) of the full amount payable. This deposit is required within 48 hours of being notified of the booking approval. If the deposit is not received within this time, your booking may be cancelled and removed from our system without further notice. No bookings will be maintained or are valid without the payment of a deposit.

The remaining booking fee must be paid on or before check-in. The Cat Hotel reserves the right to refuse check-in should the booking fee not be paid in full.

A minimum booking of 10 days is required between 10 December and 10 January, which is our peak period. Given the high demand for accommodation, deposits for this period are non-refundable and the full fee must be paid by 30 November, irrespective of the check-in date.


Payments can be made by cash, credit card or preferably electronic transfer. Our bank details will be e-mailed when your booking is confirmed. Cheques are not acceptable as legal tender for payment to the Cat Hotel.

Booking Cancellations

Booking cancellations must be notified to the Cat Hotel in writing and must be received at least 30 days prior to check-in for the possibility of a refund. Irrespective, deposits are refundable at the discretion of the Cat Hotel only. Deposits for peak periods are not refundable.

Early Collection

If you collect your cat/s earlier than the dates originally booked, please be aware that no refunds will be given for the period of early collection.

Extension of Stay

Should you wish to extend the time period for which your cat's will stay at The Cat Hotel, prior and reasonable written notice must be e-mailed to The Cat Hotel at admin@thecathotel.co.za. The Cat Hotel does, however, reserve the right to refuse to extend the period of stay for any cat.

Should The Cat Hotel accept the extension, then you agree to pay for all the additional days that the cat continues to stay at The Cat Hotel at the time of approval of this request.

Should the Cat Hotel not agree to an extension of stay, or should the cat be left at the Cat Hotel after the cat should have been booked out and a period of 8 days has lapsed, the client gives permission and authority to the Cat Hotel to re-home the cat or to hand the cat over to the SPCA as the Cat Hotel in its sole discretion can decide. The client further agrees and acknowledges that, until the cat is re-homed and/or handed over to the SPCA, that they will be fully liable to pay the nightly rate and for all other costs as specified in this agreement.


By booking at The Cat Hotel, you as the Client acknowledge and understand that although every reasonable effort will be taken to prevent accidents, neither The Cat Hotel, the facilitators, all employees, any agents, guests or other persons associated with The Cat Hotel will be held responsible for any claims arising from an accident which may occur whilst you, your family members, your friends or your employees are on the premises of The Cat Hotel.

You further acknowledge and understand that although every reasonable effort will be made to look after your cat/s, that should your cat pass away, become ill, sustain an injury, or escape whilst at The Cat Hotel, that you will have no claim against The Cat Hotel, the facilitators, all employees, any agents, guests nor other persons associated with The Cat Hotel.

The client herewith further indemnifies the Cat Hotel, the facilitators, all employees, any agents, guests or other persons associated with the Cat Hotel from any claim that might arise in connection with such death, illness, injury or escape. To avoid any incidents, the client undertakes to deliver the cat to the Cat Hotel in a secure cat carrier.

Should the client require that their cat has special and/or additional items during the cat’s stay, the client will retain sole risk for such items dropped off at the Cat Hotel, and the Cat Hotel shall in no way be held liable to compensate the client if such items are lost and/or broken and/or are not returned in the condition that they were left at The Cat Hotel.


The client consents that, should the Cat Hotel deem it so necessary, that they have the client’s permission to take the cat to the Veterinarian specified by the client or to a Veterinarian of the Cat Hotel's choice.

The client agrees that they will be fully liable for any and all accounts from their Veterinarian or other Veterinarian as the case may be, which treats their cat and will pay such upon request by either the Cat Hotel or Veterinarian concerned.

The client further indemnifies the Cat Hotel from any action that is instituted against the Cat Hotel as a result of the client’s failure to pay such account(s).


Please check your cat’s vaccination certificate, proof of vaccination must be up to date. Proof of vaccination must be shown before any boarding can be approved. Please take a photo of the vaccinations page and What's App this through to us or send an e-mail to booking@thecathotel.co.za.

The vaccines that we require are the following:

  • Rabies: This is required by law in South Africa. It protects against the deadly rabies virus, which can be transmitted through the bite of an infected animal.
  • F3 Vaccine: This vaccination includes protection against feline parvovirus, calicivirus, and herpesvirus.

We require these vaccinations to be current within the last 12 months to ensure maximum protection. These are all part of the annual vaccinations. We also request that all our guests are up to date with an effective flea and tick treatment.


The client wishes to record that they have made a full and honest disclosure of any illnesses and/or injuries that the cat may be suffering from, or has suffered from, and/or any medication that the cat is taking. The Cat Hotel reserves the right to refuse check-in for a cat on medication or that has an illness of any kind. All our guests have their diet monitored and their ears, eyes, teeth, coat and faeces checked regularly for any irregularities or foreign bodies.

The client further agrees to notify the Cat Hotel if their cat has been ill or has been attended to by the vet in the 14 days prior to check in. The client further wishes to record that the details of the veterinarian of the cat have been provided.

It is owners’ responsibility to declare any history of veterinary or behavioural problems that could reoccur while staying with us and to draw attention to any potential problems, phobias (or vices!) their cats may have. The more we know about your cat, the more settled we can make them. If your cat has a medical condition of any sort we must be notified at the time of booking. If we have not been notified of such a condition or course of medication, we reserve the right to refuse admission.


We can administer medication if required, at an additional cost of R50 per night per cat. Any medication required for your cat/s must be fully disclosed when requesting the booking. Please ensure you have provided us enough medication for the duration of your cats stay.

Belongings and bedding

Everything your cat/s require is provided. However, we understand that cats enjoy the comfort of familiar items during their time away from home so we encourage you to bring your cats bed or a blanket for their stay. All belongings left at The Cat Hotel are left at the owner’s risk. We cannot be held responsible for damage or loss of these items. Please ensure that all items are retrieved when collecting your cat/s.

Diet and Nutrition

Given the increase in the variety of diets, The Cat Hotel no longer supplies food. It is important that your cat is kept on the same diet, as a change in diet may lead to your cat refusing to eat. On acceptance of your boarding booking, you agree that you will bring enough food for the duration of your cats stay.

If insufficient food is supplied at the start of the board, you agree to refund the costs incurred purchasing more food. This amount must be paid on check-out. We generally feed our guests in the mornings and evenings, unless owner’s instructions state otherwise on their Dashboard or Booking Form. It is therefore important that this information is kept up to date.


should the cat be left at the Cat Hotel after the cat should have been booked out and a period of 8 days has lapsed, the client gives permission and authority to the Cat Hotel to re-home the cat or to hand the cat over to the SPCA as the Cat Hotel in its sole discretion can decide.

The client further agrees and acknowledges that, until the cat is re-homed and/or handed over to the SPCA, that they will be fully liable to pay the daily rate and for all other costs as specified in this agreement.

The Cat Hotel reserves the right to refuse check-in or cancel a booking where the client has failed to disclose information that the Cat Hotel deems relevant to the booking. The client agrees to collect or arrange to have their cat collected immediately on notification by the Cat Hotel that their booking has been cancelled. The client acknowledges and understands that a disclosure or non-disclosure of the aforesaid information will have a material impact on the Cat Hotel’s ability to look after their cat.
